Friday 15 January 2010

back to school

It's hard to believe a whole month has passed since last writing this. 

A blur of biting cold, broken boilers, heavy boxes and bed with raging sore throat. 

Plus some magic moments - London Dungeons with the Desbons, roaring fires with friends in Frome, bombing downhill on a sledge with the Bartons and light airs on the Levels. 

Heartily glad to be back at college - and some exciting plans afoot - potential project with the Eye Hospital to create a display of recent work in the new building and to create a new piece with all the patients and staff to celebrate their bicentenary. Plus a chance to work with one of the nurses there to create a series of new artworks to help her to explain how the immune system works. 

And a film with Medical School at University of Bristol to consider how art and science can work together. 

Plus college stuff - getting to grips with lamp working, learning about the history of glass and my very first rapid prototyped model using the Rhino software all on my own!

Much to look forward to - and now back home to Frome to get some green air in my lungs. 

1 comment:

  1. well done!!!.... sounds like everything is going very well!!
