Sunday 7 October 2012

Back in town...

Writing this from my new iPad!
Finally got tired of lugging my old laptop around and the discovery of ipad new dictation software that allows me to read in quotes and references incredibly quickly and relatively accurately clinched it. Yesterday i Managed to input notes from two books on perspective in a fraction of the time it takes to type the stuff so I stand a chance of getting through the material.

And I'm sitting in the design museum able to upload images of the digital crystal exhibition directly to the Flickr account so I can send a link to Brian and Pauline before our meeting on Wednesday.
Pandora, Fredrikson Stallard, Design Museum Digital Crystal exhibition, October 2012

Not quite got the hang of dragging and dropping and selecting seems to be a bit of a pain but the convenience is just great.

 Drove to frome and back on Monday via Bath to see Pip and Lou which was lovely. I even had time to plant the bulbs that Hil had given me. Feels nice to tuck those away for the spring.

Tuesday registration, unpacking and writing, conversation with James about laser cutting acrylic for crystallography project plus training on zotero and sent a chapter off to Alison at last.

Wednesday knackered but went to Yoga class (:-) and more writing but mostly pottering and chatting. Rector's welcome drinks in the evening. Thursday finished off another section and a sort of summary /abstract before tutorial with Alison. Fascinating talks on Narratology and time in poetry and visual arts in the afternoon. GV art private view and experimental film screening in the evening.

Friday pedalled to 4d to find plastics, and to British library to take detailed notes on Hughes piece. Think it should be possible to make it in glass.

And would look amazing. And then I went online to buy this!

Lunch with David at the Royal Albert Hall listening to Russian folk group. Great conversation about ambiguity and Russian philosophers. Victor Slovski and his idea of art as estrangement. Rendering automatic processes conscious. Kant said that things that were automatic or not noticed could not be said to exist...

Then back across town to meet Joseph Brooks at UCL about brain scan project. Question about average vs. specific moments in time for data generation for my print series on noise and pattern. We are designing an experiment to consider oscillations as prediction of figure or ground perception. Looking at how to create oscillations in the stimulus and whether that correlates to those in the brain... Home through driving rain to clear up and rest....

Saturday got to grips with perspective a bit more. And a swim. Great.

Reckon I need to make some little boxes as viewing devices to try out these different types of perspective system. Single point, et al.. Apparently Brunelleschi did this to show off his designs to the Medici in the 1430's. so if it is good enough for him...

And here I am. Home via the Tate tanks I think. Swim and write. Tomorrow to Liverpool for a day workshop on work in the digital age.

Me and my iPad :-)

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