Sunday 18 October 2009

studies in motion

Finally sitting with a glass of wine in Francesca's cosy flat in Notting Hill Gate after a busy and extremely urban week: complete culture shock after the open skies and clean air of the broads. 
Spent much of the week buried in books, going to the Wellcome and Science  museums and formatting a literature review for my first 'proper'  tutorial on Thursday.  It was inspiring but extremely daunting to realise how many academics and makers are working on the knotty and, I fear, rather old-fashioned 'science v art' question.  There is certainly a lot to learn. 

My tutor Martin Jones weighed in with the dreaded but inevitable question: 'so what exactly is the "original contribution" you are hoping to make...?'

Having readily admitted that I have absolutely  no idea, I agreed to have a stab at drafting what an 'original contribution' might look like for my next tutorial on Thursday. Hmmmm. Alongside the brain gym, this week brought a chance to learn how to use the lampworking torch, a tutorial on the ins and outs of the 'folio' self-promotion system (watch this space...), to flash up my first print tests, to prepare a lost wax mold, to get pleasantly tipsy at my first C&G bash and swoop through London's rush hour traffic in glorious sunshine. 

I also moved out of my room in Farnham yesterday, with special thanks to Sue Shaw for her kindness and patience (I will never know if we should have taken the A305 or the A309), to Francesca for giving me the keys to this haven*. 
And to Richard and Jo for taking care of the numerous boxes full of glass for a month for me. I will miss that extraordinary place.  And Pepe, who will probably by the time I return. 

Another full week ahead: tomorrow, there will be polishing and casting followed by a glass blowing session in the hot shop and a panel debate on the 'value of art' with drinks (;-)) Photography on Tuesday followed by a conference on the history of medical illustration in Cambridge; research workshops on Wednesday followed, lampworking, then a tutorial on Thursday and perhaps a film....

Magic ;-)

* I will be moving into the house in Frome at the end of November (11 High Street, Frome BA1 5HF). The best postal address in London is Francesca's house:  14 Edge Street, London W8 7PN

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