Saturday 24 October 2009


Another full week in the Smoke...

I had my first chance to work in the hot shop with the new technician, James. Brilliant. And, it seems, I can just keep signing up for as many sessions as I need. Amazing!

On my bike to a 'Q-Art' seminar on 'the Value of Art'. Despite a distinguished-sounding panel of speakers and a waiting list to attend, the event swiftly descended into a slanging match between a broad-beamed lady academic from Stoke Newington and an angry young(ish) man from Whitechapel.

Tuesday's excursion to the Museum of Anthropology and Archeology in Cambridge to see an exhibition called Assembling Bodies was rather more rewarding.

An eclectic collection of anatomy-related exhibitions from all over the world had been thoughtfully hung together by a clearly passionate young team. The evening lecture by Philip Ball, Chair of the Medical Artists Association on the history of medical illustration was fascinating and inspiring. This is a detail of a papier mache model by the celebrated anatomical model maker Louis Auzou, in 1848.

Wednesday was something of a brain-drain preparing for the tutorial on Thursday, but I did manage to fire up the final set of tests in the kiln: finding out how transfer prints made using different mesh sizes look at different temperatures.

Tutorial with Martin on Thursday. To my great relief, I seem to have managed to come up with something that might be 'original' enough - for now at least!

Friday was spent making sense of the week, writing it up and planning for the next one...

And now to study the finer points of Somerset Cider!

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