Monday 9 November 2009


Degeneration 2, cast glass and copper, 
photo by Dominic Tschudin 2009
The main drive last week was preparation for a shoot with Dominic Tschudin, the RCA photographer.  The aim was to get fresh material for my website and RCA 'profile' page - and to prepare for an upcoming lecture at the Ophthalmic Imaging Association conference in Bristol. 
En face, cast glass and ceramic transfer print, 
photo by Dominic Tschudin 2009
I broke and scratched a number of pieces in the process (one made quite a spectacular bang!), relieved my knuckles of several layers of skin and did not get all the sleep a girl would like, but have learnt a lot and have a clearer idea of where I'd like to go with it all, especially thanks to another enlightening conversation with Steve.

I did find time to spend a day in the Drawing Lab looking at skeletons, to replace the gear lever cover on the bike and to start to organise the house move - somewhat daunted by a barrage of supplementary questions about drains and beams and the flimsiness of the Frome loft...

Hot glass and ceramic transfer print, 
blown by Sonja Klingler, photo by Dominic Tschudin 2009

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