Sunday 1 November 2009

One month on...

Musing on the first month here - it has passed so fast, but feels like a very long time since I waited in line to collect my badge.

My desk is looking truly 'lived in', I have made the acquaintance of all the late-night security guards and Edge Street is proving a wonderful refuge: I spent most of this weekend under the duvet doing battle with some sort of infection - I seem to have won.

The first stages of the project are becoming clear and I'm excited. We are planning a series of three month experiments to see how printed images on and within the glass shows the changes that take place during the making process (fading and moving with heat for example). I'm also hoping to bring in lenses, water and lighting to play with the way the images change depending on the viewer's perspective. All this linked to eye stuff as usual...

Another busy week ahead: as well as formalising the project with my mentor Steve Brown, I have a chance to spend a day drawing with a celebrated anatomical model maker, to work with the college photographer, to practice the techinques learnt in the lampworking class last Thursday. And to blow more glass...

first attempts at lampworking...

La vie est belle

1 comment:

  1. Shelley I am so proud of you. What an amazingly talented and courageous woman you are. The RA is lucky to have you. Now you can really sail into teh wind with all that stimulation support and expertise available to you. Hoist the mainsail and the jib.
    Love you Mum
