Friday 30 March 2012

marching on

Is it really a whole month since the last post?!
Well it is.
And what have I been up to?

Lots of huffing and puffing, firing, blowing and grinding - and filming. The results are posted on Flickr - paste this link to see a couple of images and videos if you have time -

Babysitting for nieces and god daughter, teaching at Bristol Royal Infirmary, meeting with Quest Gallery, sale of work to the RNIB, time with friends from Sunderland, France, Frome, London, Italy and Bristol, mother's day / birthday lunch and walk, changed gas and electricity supplier, lost wallet, found wallet, lots of swimming, Hockney exhibition,  conference on Mondrian and Nicholson, teeth polished , Frome garden wall fixed, EEG scans to use rhythms in glass work and a fabulous New Toy - a Kindle from my dearest didi - just received and charging as I type - so much to learn...

And a bit of forward planning - retreat in April, interim exams in mid-May,  Bristol Festival of Science and music workshop in Oxford in June, course in Corning New York in July, ECVP conference in Sardinia in September and seed funding for x-ray crystallography project to present to potential backers in October.

To bed!

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