Tuesday 18 September 2012

back to school

Sitting in the computer room at the RCA pondering how to approach this next year. It's been a wonderful, busy summer and I feel ready to get down to work again, acutely aware of how much needs to be done and trying not to panic.

Bronwyn encouraged me to take a look at a couple of 'phd training' websites and the one thing they all say is the need to keep writing every day, even if you feel there is nothing to write about.

Reckon that will be my 'new year's resolution'.

So here we go.

The ECVP conference was intense in every way: an incredible drive across Europe (I want to do that again!), the experience of living 'en famille' again (rather not do that again until I find a way to maintain a little more of my sense of self at the same time), an insight into the working life of another culture (so much more interesting than being a tourist), seeing the glass work in a different context (it all feels so small and scrappy and oddly 'diffuse' now), an introduction  into a whole world of new people and ideas. It is a sort of coral reef that has been evolving for the past 20 years, teeming with every different kind of animal : the peacocks, the scavengers, the cave-dwellers and the shoal-surfers.  A number of really good, kind and intelligent people who I hope will become friends.

It looks as though there is real interest in putting together an exhibition for the ECVP in Bremen next year, which will be an opportunity to see some of those again. Carol has so many connections and skills - will be great to work with her again if it comes off. And Priscilla is an incredible woman too.  I have also been invited to join the 'scotch perspectives', a 'club' that meets in Scotland to drink whiskey and walk and talk. The next in May 2013. Sounds expensive - and I should probably stay focused on this project for now...

Sardinia seems to almost have eclipsed the Corning and New York expedition , about which I started another blog. But I must not lose sight of the opportunity and connections made there. The proposal is ready to go. Just need to get the references and send it off. The course proposal and the Neues Glass images also need to go off by the end of the month. A note from Lisbeth about an Israeli exhibition is tempting but not for now I think.

The Peter Layton, Quest and Royal Society of Painter Printmaker exhibitions seem to have faded into the background somehow, although I did manage to sell two wall pieces and David seems confident that there is firm interest in the glass work.

The 24-hour trip to Paris to share the housewarming for Charlotte's new place was another highlight, meeting old friends, making some new ones and catching a glimpse of her growing bond with David and his children. Another flying visit to les Barils is another wonderful memory - an early morning drive with Sophie and the delight and surprise on Flo's face as we arrived in the market in Verneuil. Walking, talking and sharing delicious meals in the garden. A final night in Montmartre - so sorry not to have paid more heed to the occasional sound of drips in the bathroom which turn out to have been a disastrous leak under the floorboards in the kitchen.

So many other good times in the scruffy pages of my diary. Dinner with Dad and Lou on the South Bank, driving through driving rain in Elaine's sportscar, dancing at Sophie and Simon's wedding and brief stay in Wye, hearing about Sadhu's latest successful tour from Mum who seems so relaxed and easy.

Then there was the dash to Wales for Mar's funeral. Such grief at the loss of the man and his way of life - and the revival of some old scores with the living. Really need to deal with those - it's so stupid  not to care for people while they are still alive. 

Accounts almost done, wading through great wadges of receipts stuffed into envelopes and plastic folders. Completely daft to be in such a muddle about something so simple. And I have managed to lose all the April receipts and a chequebook (they are 'somewhere safe' - just don't know where). Lots of invoices from internet shopping to print out but my printer seems to have died. But mostly did not want to talk to the mac while my HP was being fixed. Aiming to have all that done for the first of October and use my 24-hour car rental to go to see Julie in Bath.

It has been  lovely to be home a little: really starting to feel as though the place is set up to be productive and I can work well there. And a network of friends that don't mind me coming in and out of their lives so briefly. Some lovely walks and conversations. I feel sometimes as though they see me as a shot of caffeine. Nice in small doses. Managed to pin back the fig tree and the climbing roses and put my very first batch of home made compost on the rhubarb. Did not manage to change the flue lining, cement the wall, fix the gutter or the towel rail, sort out the cooker or paint my bedroom. Also no time to see Pip and Lou or to visit Mim in her new place or to see Mum on her recent visit to Frome. I just couldn't do it. Hey ho.

It is good to be in London too. Planning an outline for the written work, making contact with friends and colleagues here - sitting in the staff room chatting to Steve and Alison, Simon, Martin, Sandra and Liam. Lunch with Nick. I feel so very lucky.

To work - who the hell was Ludwig Wilding???

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