Monday 2 January 2012

December - nearly done

The big deadlines over, there was a bit of space to take stock and to see friends and family.

There was time present as part of the Research Open Day, to meet Becky and Nicola from Bristol University to see how we might work together, to progress ideas for a print conference at the RCA, discuss Heidegger with the ArtNerds at the ICA, sing in the Imperial College Gospel Choir carol concert and pack a parcel for my dear Didi and family so far away.

A series of tutorials at the Work in Progress show gave me much food for thought, realising how much there is still to do to fully understand how these moire effects work, and that the project could go in a number of different directions.

Some of the technical issues seem to be relatively straightforward: a day with the ever-patient Rodrigo Solarno and the Rhino software package showed that it should be possible to short-circuit much of the printing and folding to establish the optimum combination of line thickness, spacing and distance. Time with Liam Reeves in the hot shop has given me some exciting new possibilities to register matrices within a form.

But the bigger picture needs thought: are these objects or structures, are they material or immaterial, does the object or the subject move, might there be any figurative or representational quality beyond projection and reflection, how to evaluate the objects and in what context.

And how on earth am I going to write 40,000 words!

It was Definitely time for a break!

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