Sunday 1 January 2012

March hares

Another lively month

The PhD proposal was put to bed and we started to get the hang of this encapsulation business and even to be able to play a little!

Three very different commissions kept me busy too:
The first, a series of lenses for the Crafts Council Handling collection demanded extreme precision at every stage and the chance to reflect on a process that had started to become so familiar that I had stopped wondering about how to make it better.

The second, for a private client from Durham who asked me to interpret an image he had made and encapsulate that in glass. Rodrigo Solarno, artist and computer tutor at the RCA showed me how to recreate the form of a blown embryo in Rhino to create a flat ‘map’ of the surface that I could then use to generate the transfer print art work. Sonja Klingler and KT Yun then worked their magic to encapsulate the piece in hot glass

The third, a wedding gift commissioned by a good friend, involved a more intuitive and playful approach to colour and form and was again only possible with the skill and generosity of Sonja and KT. 

A trip to Paris was feast in every way: museums, opera, food, wine and wonderful company.

A day trip to give a talk at the Craft Study Centre in Bilston made an interesting contrast.  

The Anthony McCall installation at K9 in Baker Street was quite magic - probably the most memorable and inspiring exhibition of the year. 

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