Sunday 29 January 2012

Frome fireside

45 degree moire
Another full week in the Smoke. Followed by the most wonderful weekend here at home full of friends and sleep and fresh air and good food. 

Last weekend was spent preparing the film shoot and tutorial with Martin - photographing work and trying to work out some sort of a narrative for this headlong rush through so many different tunnels.

 Moire and space, ideal forms, post-war Germany, Bauhaus and modernism, optics and illusion, performance, pace, rhythm and perception. I feel sure it will all fit together in some subtle way that I have not quite worked out yet.

film set up
Plus the farmer's market, a belated Christmas meal with my dear aunt and time to talk to Francesca - so wise and kind.
Filming was frustrating but constructive. The logistics of getting the frames and the glass and the paper and the film and myself and the computer across the river in driving rain made a fraught start to the day. And the results are not great.  But better than last time and good enough for Martin to agree to my proposal of an online / interactive format for the thesis. Now need to work out the technology platform and security concerns - who should be able to see what and when....

aerial graal detail
The aerial graals are starting to work too. Delighted.
All the hard work preparing the tutorial with Martin paid off as he seemed pleased. But I feel like a complete fraud as, while the work is progressing fast, I have done no writing up at all!

The GVArt  / Ubran Times also seemed to go ok, at least Robert was pleased and people were kind about the work. Wore the lucky dress ;-) Frederick from the Imperial / Opera group was there - and a reporter from New Scientist! I will apparently be on the CultureLab blog next week... the event is written up here

The biophysicist called back and we have planned a date to meet. Scarey.

Nudged the other projects along a bit too - print conference, fluorescent glass and uveitis, Dublin exhibition, Oxford music.

Then came home to rest. Magic.

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