Sunday 29 January 2012

lost in the post

Trojan horse bucking around in the hard drive so wrote this offline. Decided to upload this anyway -  better late than never I guess

It was another full week…the main objective being to line everything up for tutorial with Martin next week, and for the ‘beyond the bubble’ work the week after. And thinking of my little corner in Frome, hoping the garden wall had not collapsed completely, imagining the sound of the wind and the birds in the tree outside my window, the scent of the river in the valley, the light on the Orchardleigh standing stones and the taste of my homemade lemon marmelade. 

Monday - preparation and negotiation– preparing and sending files with the different line frequencies and densities for sintering and printing, six hours sandblasting, drilling and fixing and worrying and jiggling people and ideas and projects that I seem to be pushing uphill on my own. Too much time scraping around in the grit and dust. Gobbling apples in front of the computer instead of breaking for lunch, no tea, swimming. Not good.

Tuesday – mixed up hot shop times and arrived just in time to flash up the lehr and pipe warmer for a fraught Liam. Somehow I had managed to contaminate the embryos (sandblasted glass forms) and as we gathered glass (dipped the forms into hot glass), filthy sticky streaks appeared – irretrievable. Dismal. Pedalled through gentle rain to Battersea to prepare the shoot next week with quiet-spoken Roddy who has tracked down a wonderful hydraulic tripod contraption that, with a couple of Heath Robinson modifications, will let us make perfectly smooth travelling shots of the moire patterns. I changed into my best boots, packed and repacked my bag, polished and repolished one of the Cochlear pieces, rubbed E45 into face and hands in a poor attempt to appear polished and pedalled slowly but was still early for my meeting with the eminent glass collector and dealer Leon Duval and hung about outside Thomas Goode’s brilliantly-lit windows trying to overcome my anxiety and the irritation of a very plush 4x4 with a round shiny-headed driver chatting importantly on the phone with the engine running. 

 A very positive conversation with the inscrutable Leo– interested only in larger work (but apparently interested in selling my work!!!) - am I planning to have a studio – where – how (am I serious…?). 

Then to King’s College in the Strand for a ‘sci-art speed dating’ event, where I had been invited by Robert Devcic from GVArt – organised by the Opera group – a group of composers and perfomers who are ‘in residence’ at Kings and, apparently, interested in creating a network of people who want to make art works / performances informed by and informing science. They seem a very sophisticated and constructive bunch and, looking out of the tall windows onto the Thames surrounded by bright young things, it felt as though this might be the place where the tide runs fair and things can be done.  And realised quite quickly that I was shooting myself in the foot when I brought out my glass inner ears and tried to push the idea I had been discussing by email with the wonderful Chris Garrard  about the sounds made by the spaces in the body. Had a wonderful conversation with a professor of biophysics about the inspirational Rosalind Franklin who was a crystallographer and first identified the structure of DNA – although she did not realise that is what she was looking for. There is an outside chance that we might work together to create an art work to celebrate the 60th anniversary of her discovery. That would be just amazing,  Sent him photographs and a hopeful email but no response so far. I feel worried that the work is not good enough. 

The GVArt mob – Robert. Arthur, Katherine, Mike and I all went on to Pushkin House to see an exhibition of drawings and prints there. Moving. Strange. I, foolishly, having been Very Good, sipping apple juice and eating baby tomatoes succumbed to the lure of cool champagne and salted peanuts and pedalled home imagining myself to be travelling rather faster than I was. 

Wednesday was a slow start. Bobbing up and down the building to cajole printers and sinterers (none of which were ready), making frames for the shoot next week and attending bits of a conference on Materials.  A meeting about a conference on printmaking that I seem to be convening. Tired of being the pace maker. 

Thursday managed to make it to the pool! And to get more embryos ready for the kiln, go to a workshop on casting, finish the frames, get at least some of the prints made, work out how to cast a new piece called ‘one degree of arc’, to get some clarity on the Bristol projects and get the flat straight for Francesca’s visit this weekend. 

Friday – made beds and cleaned sinks. finalised prints and frames for the shoot, sent off files for rapid prototyping, worked in the hot shop with Liam to pick up embryos, retrieved brilliant online book on moire patterns from Imperial Library,  went swimming ;-), sorted out Oxford and Bristol trips, had a quick half with Owen, Rie and Zemmer, picked up shopping and made it to bed- at last!
slumped moire

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