Sunday 1 January 2012

June on hold

Deadlines for joining the end of year exhibition came and went with still no news about PhD funding without which I could not stay at the RCA. I went round and round in circles - was I finishing or starting?

As usual, I dealt with the anxiety with a flurry of displacement activity: the installation of the Eye Hospital panels and a new glass cabinet with the Uveitis work, conversation with Ruth Jacobs at the Children's Hospital about the potential to show children how to use the fractal generation programme that I had used for the Eye Hospital,  long conversations with plumber Dave about boilers, mason Dave about leaks and walls, electrician Ned about wiring and the start of a long and labyrinthine process to get mains gas piped to High Street. Lots of blowing and casting to get together a body of work in case I had to pull together a final show at the last minute, and to France to celebrate Charlotte's birthday.

Verneuil, Oxford, Bristol and London

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