Monday 2 January 2012

November nights

Another busy one...

Wilding work continued apace with the aim of having something worth looking at in time for the Work in Progress show that we installed on the 28th of the month. George Duck and Roddy Canas introduced me to the film studio. I made my first rudimentary moving image files and got enough screen printing done thanks to Damon to install a series of wall pieces alongside the glass work.
Vanessa Rolf invited me to be part of the Creative Quarter event, a day of activities for young people run by the institutions clustered along the Exhibition Road. My job was to devise and run a half day of workshops for14 to 18 year olds and their teachers to introduce students to the joys of working with glass. It was such fun.

The Oxford performances at the Bate Museum and at St Hilda's seemed to go well too.

Last but not least, I installed the piece called Lesion for the Trauma Show at the GVArt Gallery in Marylebone: Robert Devcic is building a unique reputation for presenting unusual or difficult work. The theme of this show, the way that artists express ideas about physical and mental trauma, continues that vein. But the exhibition felt more like an affirmation of humanity.

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